Thursday, March 13, 2008

What Goes In a Pumpkin Pie?

My life partner made two beautiful, aromatic pumpkin pies last night.

What goes into a pumpkin pie?

Time that was given to someone else,
Priorities that were put on the back burner,
Sleep that was given up for a different reason each night,
Worry over family and finances,
Planning for contingencies both small and large,
Work spent on thousands of mundane, repetitive and seemingly thankless household tasks,
Tears over hopes and dreams that are not yet fulfilled,
Brainpower used to think of everything, remember everything, and coordinate everything for everyone in the family,
Effort spent staying slim, trim, sexy and beautiful when it would be so much easier to just be fat and out of shape like he is,
But mostly … Love.
That's what goes into a pumpkin pie.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

On The Road Again

I didn’t spend $4.10 on gasoline today … I rode my bicycle.

I planted the first items in our garden yesterday afternoon. The last time I planted a garden was probably 30 years ago. Back then I bought a roto-tiller, broke up half the back yard, and planted long rows of vegetables. This time I’m trying square-foot gardening, and simply turning over the soil (several times) with a spade, and then planting a small number of plants in that limited space. Yesterday I set out a few onions, and planted some of the early seed vegetables like cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. It’s probably a little early, so I’m staggering the planting schedule by a quarter of the space per week. Next week it’ll be more of the early vegetables, then the week after it’ll be the first of the late vegetables.

Had tons of fun playing with Rose, our youngest granddaughter, last night. I get such a kick out of watching her explore, learn, and grow. She’s just learning to scoot across the floor, and it’s fun watching how excited she gets when she realizes she can actually motivate. This summer should be fun in the back yard.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

What time is it?

Last week the watch that I usually wear to work stopped. It's a Swiss Army watch with a leather band, and it has that cool retro look about it. It was given to me by my oldest daughter, probably 10 or twelve years ago. I had the battery replaced Monday, but now it’s running slow. Guess I’ll have to take it back to the jeweler and ask for his opinion. Maybe he sabotaged it so I’d buy a new one from him?

This morning, when I picked another watch to wear, I found that it had also stopped. What’s up with that? So today I’m wearing my dress watch that my sweetheart gave to me for my birthday a couple of years ago. It’s a classy solar-powered Citizen Eco-Drive.

I have a thing for watches; it’s part of being a gadget freak, I guess. I like all the ones I have, especially since they all were gifts from my daughters and my wife.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Thinking About Vacation

With the advent of spring just around the corner, I find myself thinking about vacation. It’s a pleasant diversion to think about ways my lovely wife and I may be able to disappear for some R & R.

First, I want to ensure that my wife gets at least one vacation trip this year doing something that she wants to do, not just compromising for the sake of family convenience or going along with something I want. With raising kids (nearly finished), running a household, managing finances, and putting up with me, her vacation-low-level light is on bright.

If I had to guess, I’d say that her idea of a good vacation probably leans toward things like cruises, beaches, massages, nice hotels, good food and entertainment. She loves taking pictures, and she likes to do new and interesting things, as long as she doesn’t have to get too dirty or sweaty. I remember how she enjoyed the guided kayak river trip in Belize, and ocean jet skiing in Haiti.

Trouble is, since she’s so selfless, she’s reluctant to take any time for herself or spend any money on herself.

I’ll probably do the OK Freewheel (bike tour) again this year. But there’s so much to do here in Oklahoma, we have no excuse for staying home and doing nothing. I need to go through our stack of OK Travel brochures and start circling things. Time’s a-wastin’.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Its the first day of March, and the earth is beginning to stir from its winter slumber. Our rose bushes are beginning to press out tiny new leaves, and the yellow bush in the backyard with the name I cannot remember is beginning to flower. I guess they call it spring because that’s how it arrives; one minute it’s cold and nasty, and suddenly the new season springs upon us.

I’m behind already. I started back to the gym too late, so I know the new cycling season will leave me a little sore for a while. I haven’t trimmed the Crape Myrtles yet, and we still have unplanted bulbs, and un-transplanted rose bushes. Oh well, at least it should be nice working weather when I actually do those things.

I did manage to spade our garden spot. It’s been years since I’ve planted a vegetable garden, and so far it’s fun imagining the bounty of fresh vegetables from our own backyard. (Ask me how I feel next month when all the weeds need pulling.) As you can tell from the picture, this will not be a typical row garden. After reading “Square Foot Gardening”, by Mel Bartholomew, I was so impressed I thought I’d give his method a try. We'll see how it goes.