Sounds easy enough. Just spend a few minutes a day jotting down the latest personal happenings for all the interested readers. ( After all, inquiring minds want to know what I’m doing. ) In practice it’s much more difficult to keep a decent blog going.
I find that my interest grows and wanes with the season. I’m thinking that maybe blogging is a good winter activity, but not so much for the summer. When the weather’s nasty it’s easy to sit around and write about what I’d like to be doing, but when spring springs I want to be outside doing things, not writing about them. When I have a life I don’t want to spend the time blogging.
Still there are good reasons to write a little. Some old dead dude (Sir Francis Bacon?) is said to have said “… writing makes an exact man.” Not only that, but when I’m long gone and famous, my inane drivel will be valuable reading material.
Our garden is going gangbusters. We have pea pods already, and will probably be able to pick a mess of green beans to cook Saturday. The radishes are nearly all gone and we still have more spinach and lettuce than we can use. The peppers are peppering (small, so far) and the tomatoes are blooming. The cucumber and pumpkin plants are up and looking good. The brussels sprouts are just beginning to sprout, but I’m not too sure about the cauliflower. This is my first attempt with cauliflower, and the plants are big and beautiful, but I don’t know anything about when or how the heads will form.
Last but not least … I’m really impressed with my compost pile. It’s cooking really well and making rich dark humus which will soon go into the garden. It just amazes me that the stuff we usually package in plastic and haul off to the landfill, if only left alone to decompose will turn into the most valuable commodity there is – earth itself!