It’s time for me to get back into cycling shape. I know, round is a shape, but that that’s not the shape I want.
My cross-the-state ride, Oklahoma Freewheel, is only three months away, so it’s high time I started riding more. The weather seems to be more cooperative this year (so far). Here it is February, and it was 74 degrees yesterday afternoon!
I went for a little ride after work yesterday. It was just a short ten mile run up the highway and back, but I did have the bike loaded as for a tour. Going into the north wind was tough and I managed only about 7 miles an hour on the way out. I also had a chance to get acquainted with a couple of young pit bulls running loose near a small house by the side of the road. They barged out to meet me with their war faces on, but when I stopped the bike and spoke to them they just looked confused, and stood around waiting to see what I would do next. Each time I started away they would begin barking and running after me, so I just decided to walk the bike until they got bored. Within 50 yards they gave up and went back to the shack.
The ride back was quick. With the wind to my back I was easily able to do twenty mph even fully loaded. Overall, it was a nice little ride.
Speaking of fully loaded, I weighed my bike when I got home. With all the panniers and accessories straped, bolted, and velcroed to the bike it weighed in at a hefty 72 pounds. That’s about 40 pounds of gear. Hopefully I can whittle that down a little before I begin the longer rides.