Installed the felt (some folks call it tar paper) over the bare decking on the old roof. Today's effort was all about precaution ... the felt is not a necessary part of the finished structure. The new hip roof of the patio cover (hereafter abbreviated as pc) will cover and protect all of that section of the old roof when completed. But I needed to install the felt simply to prevent water damage to the house in case of a deluge before the pc is completed.
I've been studying the weather closely for the past several weeks, and have determined that it's pretty hard to predict exactly when the mother of all thunderstorms will happen. That's always the case during the monsoon season here in SW Oklahoma. The forcast is for a chance of t-storms tomorrow, so I think we're protected.
If we can get good weather Sat and Sun, I'm predicting a roof over the pc this weekend!
By the way, this pc is costing more than we expected. It's already cost me my favorite pair of jeans. See what happens when you scoot around on the roof on your butt for two days!

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