Its the first day of March, and the earth is beginning to stir from its winter slumber. Our rose bushes are beginning to press out tiny new leaves, and the yellow bush in the backyard with the name I cannot remember is beginning to flower. I guess they call it spring because that’s how it arrives; one minute it’s cold and nasty, and suddenly the new season springs upon us.
I’m behind already. I started back to the gym too late, so I know the new cycling season will leave me a little sore for a while. I haven’t trimmed the Crape Myrtles yet, and we still have unplanted bulbs, and un-transplanted rose bushes. Oh well, at least it should be nice working weather when I actually do those things.
I did manage to spade our garden spot. It’s been years since I’ve planted a vegetable garden, and so far it’s fun imagining the bounty of fresh vegetables from our own backyard. (Ask me how I feel next month when all the weeds need pulling.) As you can tell from the picture, this will not be a typical row garden. After reading “Square Foot Gardening”, by Mel Bartholomew, I was so impressed I thought I’d give his method a try. We'll see how it goes.
I’m behind already. I started back to the gym too late, so I know the new cycling season will leave me a little sore for a while. I haven’t trimmed the Crape Myrtles yet, and we still have unplanted bulbs, and un-transplanted rose bushes. Oh well, at least it should be nice working weather when I actually do those things.
I did manage to spade our garden spot. It’s been years since I’ve planted a vegetable garden, and so far it’s fun imagining the bounty of fresh vegetables from our own backyard. (Ask me how I feel next month when all the weeds need pulling.) As you can tell from the picture, this will not be a typical row garden. After reading “Square Foot Gardening”, by Mel Bartholomew, I was so impressed I thought I’d give his method a try. We'll see how it goes.
Like, dude, your bricks are dirty.
I love this kind of gardening (I think because it looks easier; ha, looks are deceiving!) Good luck.
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