Monday, June 26, 2006

Freewheel Day 5

Thursday, June 15, Tahlequah to Pryor, 52 miles

It’s the fifth day into the ride and we’re all beginning to adjust to sleeping on the ground. I’m very happy with the Thermarest backpacking pad I selected for this trip. It’s small enough to carry on the bike if I ever decide to do some fully self-contained touring, but it’s also just thick enough when inflated to lift me above the ground and to provide some insulation. There was quite a bit of dew this morning, so I was glad I had used the tent fly. The temperature dropped during the night and I ended up crawling into my bag. We got up early after sleeping pretty well, packed up, and went across the street to the High School where the local Rotary Club was offering a pancake breakfast.

Today’s ride was nice and easy compared to the last couple of days. One downhill was at least 2 miles long and was great fun. We stopped at an old school house that had been converted to stables and took our photos with some mules. We crossed several scenic rivers that looked so cool and inviting that I really wished we had the time and means to stop and kayak them. In the afternoon the terrain turned more to rolling hills and we rode past many beautiful ranches and farms. We were glad for this ‘rest’ day of only 52 miles.

That evening in in Pryor we stayed at their new multi-million dollar athletic complex. The facilities were brand new and state-of-the-art, with two pools and all the typical athletic equipment, and the people there really made us feel welcome. They even had hot water in the showers!

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